
Welcome to our Publications page, a comprehensive repository where the intellectual contributions of the OSWU team are showcased. 

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Here, you'll find diverse analytical materials, insightful studies, and groundbreaking publications across various themes and disciplines relevant to our mission and research interests made in collaboration with our partners.Our publications are the product of rigorous research, deep analysis, and a commitment to advancing knowledge in our fields of expertise. Each piece represents a collaboration among multidisciplinary, dedicated team members who bring unique perspectives, skills, and unwavering dedication to each project. From detailed policy analyses that influence decision-making at the highest levels to innovative studies that push the boundaries of current knowledge, our publications aim to inform, educate, and inspire.

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● Research Reports: In-depth analyses of contemporary issues, providing comprehensive insights and actionable recommendations.● Policy Briefs: Concise, focused documents aimed at policymakers, offering clear, evidence-based solutions to urgent challenges.● Special Editions: Collaborative works and thematic collections that address specific topics of interest or significant events.
Whether you're a policy maker, academic, industry expert, or an informed public member, our publications offer valuable perspectives and evidence to support your work, studies, and interests. We invite you to explore our library, where you can access the full texts of our publications, learn more about our authors, and gain insights that drive change.

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Civil Society Studies | Special Edition

The impact of the suspension of USAID funding on Ukrainian CSOs

Partner: Civil Initiatives of UkraineOSWU Contributor: Taras Tymchuk, Sasha Tselishcheva, Yurii StepanetsDate: February 2025

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Civil Society Studies | Special Edition

Mapping of the Civil Society Organisations Ecosystem in Ukraine

Partner & Funding: AFDOSWU Contributor: Taras Tymchuk, Sasha Tselishcheva, Natalia Harasivka, Maryana Zaviyska, Yurii Stepanets, Olga Kuno
Date: February 2025

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Humanitarian Studies 

The Role of Ukrainian Women-led Organisations in Humanitarian Action in Ukraine and Poland in 2022-2024

Partners: Ukrainian House Foundation, Humanitarian Leadership AcademyFunding: The project has been carried out in collaboration with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy which is part of Save the Children. This report has been funded by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) within the Sustainable Humanitarian Innovation for Transformation programme (SHIFT) run by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy and partners in the region.OSWU Contributors: Natalia Chermoshentseva, PhD, Maryana Zaviyska, Natalia Harasivka, Svitlana ZuievaDate: January 2025

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Humanitarian Studies 

Empowering Youth in Humanitarian Action in Ukraine: Lessons Learned and Pathways Forward

Partner: Humanitarian Leadership Academy, NGO «Kyiv educational center «Tolerspace»Funding: The project has been carried out in collaboration with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy which is part of Save the Children. This report has been funded by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) within the Sustainable Humanitarian Innovation for Transformation programme (SHIFT) run by the Humanitarian Leadership Academy and partners in the region.OSWU Contributors: Natalia Harasivka, Maryana Zaviyska, Svitlana Zuieva, Oleh OvcharenkoDate: February 2025

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Humanitarian Studies | Special Edition

Зміцнення систем дозволить людям брати відповідальність на себе. досвід отримувачів грошової допомоги в Україні

Partner: Ground Truth Solutions, Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD)Funding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)OSWU Contributor: Maryana ZaviyskaDate: September 2024

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Humanitarian Studies

HPG working paper: Narratives and the
Ukraine response Implications for humanitarian action and principles

Partner: ODI/HPGFunding: British Red CrossOSWU Contributors: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,Period: November 2024

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Humanitarian Studies | Special Edition

Узгодження гуманітарної грошової допомоги з системою соціального захисту в Україні: думки отримувачів допомоги

Partner: Ground Truth Solutions, Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD)Funding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)OSWU Contributor: Maryana ZaviyskaDate: March 2024

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Humanitarian Studies

Navigating narratives in Ukraine:
humanitarian response
amid solidarity and resistance

Partner: ODI-HPGFunding: British Red CrossOSWU Contributors: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva, Taras TymchukPeriod: September 2023

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Humanitarian Studies

"No-one has ever helped me like this."User journeys of cash recipients in Ukraine

Partner: Ground Truth Solutions, Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD)OSWU Contributors: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras TymchukDate: December 2023

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Humanitarian Studies

Cash is king — if you can get it
Mapping the user journeys of cash recipients in Ukraine

Partner: Ground Truth Solutions, Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD)Funding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)OSWU Contributors: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras TymchukDate: July 2023

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Humanitarian Studies

"I feel ashamed to ask for humanitarian aid." Humanitarian journeys of refugees from Ukraine in Poland, Moldova, and Romania

Partner: Ground Truth Solutions, Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD)Funding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)OSWU Contributors: Maryana Zaviyska, Tetiana Danyliv, Natalia Harasivka, Taras TymchukDate: July 2023

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Humanitarian Studies

Call for communication,collaboration, and cash:Perceptions of aid in Ukraine

Partner: Ground Truth SolutionsFunding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)OSWU Contributors: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva, Taras TymchukDate: February 2023

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Civil Society Development

Участь без участі: як забезпечити реальне, а не бутафорне залучення у громадах?

Partner: 86 NGO, Funding: ENGAGE (Pact, USAID)OSWU Contributors: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva, Taras TymchukDate: July 2017