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Open Space Reports
Here is the list of Open Space meetings, facilitated by members of OSWC
Impact-investments in accelerative post-war Ukraine recovery: who, in what, how and why?
World of Communities LLC
Stakeholders brainstorm session
Taras Tymchuk
Urban planners, CSO managers, educators, impact-inverstors, engineers, psychologists, military specialists, creators, media, local authorities, municipal managers, entrepreuners, scientists, thinkers;
Lutsk, Ukraine
2 April 2022
Impact-investments in accelerative post-war Ukraine recovery: who, in what, how and why?
World of Communities LLC
Stakeholders brainstorm session
Taras Tymchuk
Urban planners, CSO managers, educators, impact-inverstors, engineers, psychologists, military specialists, creators, media, local authorities, municipal managers, entrepreuners, scientists, thinkers;
Lutsk, Ukraine
2 April 2022
Youth cluster in my community: how we can use the gamification and game-based approach and SYAP results to engage young people on a large scale in community development?
Learning exchange
Oleksandra Tselishcheva
SYAP fellows, youth, activists
Berdiansk, Ukraine
September 2021
What should be a comprehensive city program for civic and professional adult education so that everyone can participate in the community life of Melitopol: content, professionals, money, stakeholders?
UNDP, Adult Education Centre "The first" (Melitopol)
Learning exchange
Taras Tymchuk
Adult educators, CSO, activists
Melitopol, Ukraine
September 17-18, 2020
What kind of projects and services could help to transform the library and house of culture into the vibrant public space of our community?
Participative Community Meeting
Taras Tymchuk, Maryana Zaviyska
Community members, educators, media, local authorities, municipal managers, entrepreneurs, youth, NGO
Petropavlivka, Ukraine
17 April 2019
Congress of Culture: key achievements and challenges in the field of culture for the last 5 years: what and how to store and develop?
Learning & networking exchange meeting
Taras Tymchuk, Maryana Zaviyska
Culture managers, thinkers, creators, educators, municipal managers
Lviv, Ukraine
13 October 2019
Lost illusions of the public budget.
How can we transform and support the public budget process?
PROMISE Project, Irpin city council, Solidarity Fund PL, GIZ, Foundations for Freedom
Learning & networking exchange
Oleksandra Tselishcheva, Pavlo Kozeletskyi
NGO managers, municipal servants, donors
Irpin, Ukraine
26-27 October 2018
What kind of projects and services could help to transform the library
and house of culture into the vibrant public space of our community?
Participative Community Meeting
Taras Tymchuk, Maryana Zaviyska
Community members, educators, media, local authorities,
municipal managers, entrepreneurs, youth, NGO
Dnipro, Ukraine
11-12 April 2019
How do make the cooperation between the government institutions and the public In the decision-making process more effective?
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, OCSE
Public Consultations and Learning Exchange
Taras Tymchuk, Maryana Zaviyska
Public servants, communication GOV professionals, NGO representatives
Kyiv, Ukraine
15 September 2018
Community Innovations: Administrative services, inter-municipal cooperation, sustainability
Learning Exchange
Jo Toepfer, Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk, Oleksandra Tselishcheva
Public servants, NGO representatives, donors
Kyiv, Ukraine
3-5 June 2018
Open Business Space: From co-opetition to network development: why should Ukrainian businesses unite?
Owners for Owners business community
Learning Exchange
Taras Tymchuk, Lada Kanevska
Entrepreneurs, CEO, founders
Bukovel, Ukraine
March 29 - April 2, 2018
In what kind of community we would prefer to invest?
Institute for political and information research
Product Development
Taras Tymchuk
Public servants, NGO representatives, donors, community managers, IT professionals
Lutsk, Ukraine
8-10 April 2016
How can we strengthen the prevention of human trafficking in our region using creative technologies? International learning exchange conference
Hanns Seidel Stiftung
Learning Exchange
Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk
NGO representatives, donors, media, IDPs
Irpin, Ukraine
20-22 June 2017
How can we together keep the media's attention to the protection and representation of IDP’s rights? Final conference of the project
Thomson Foundation
Learning Exchange
Taras Tymchuk
Public servants, NGO representatives, media, IDP
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
5 September 2017
Civil Peace Building: What Initiatives Will Strengthen Our Impact to Overcome the Consequences of the Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine
German Embassy
Learning Exchange
Taras Tymchuk
NGO representatives, donors, media, psychologists
Kyiv, Ukraine
16 December 2017
Leadership in Transforming Communities:
Challenges And Opportunities for Community Development
Ukrainian Social Investment Fund
Learning Exchange
Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk
Public servants, NGO representatives, community managers
Dnipro, Ukraine
22-23 March 2018
Coopetition In Ukrainian: How to Build Business Effective Partnerships in Instability? Annual Meeting of Open Business Space Owners and CEOs community
Open Business Space Community
Learning Exchange
Taras Tymchuk, Lada Kanevska
Entrepreneurs, CEO, founders
Bukovel, Ukraine
30 March - 2 April 2017
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Feasibility Study
The Feasibility Study of the BENGO Project in Ukraine
Partner: AWO International Funding: AWO InternationalExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk, Tetiana Danyliv, Olga Kuno.Period: November 2023 - February 2024
Humanitarian Studies
A qualitative study exploring community perceptions of cash assistance in Ukraine. Round 1-2
Partner: Ground Truth Solutions
Funding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva, Taras TymchukPeriod: March - October 2023
Humanitarian Studies
A qualitative study evaluating and developing examples of user journey experience based on perceptions of humanitarian assistance provided to people fleeing Ukraine to Poland, Romania, and Moldova
Partner: Ground Truth Solutions
Funding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)
Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk, Nataliia Harasivka, Tetiana Danyliv.
Period: January 2023 - May 2023
Humanitarian Studies
Understanding the perceptions of aid recipients to support an improved humanitarian response in Ukraine and surrounds
Partner: Ground Truth Solutions
Funding: Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC)
Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk
Period: September - December 2022
Large Group Facilitation
Strategic session on the Future of the Veterans' Movement and Stakeholders Cooperation in Ukraine
Partner: ISAR Ednannia
Funding: USAID
Facilitators : Maryana Zaviyska, Taras TymchukFormat: Future Search
Period: September - December 2023
Evaluation of outcomes and short-term impact of the Supporting Young People to Build a More Cohesive Society (Active Citizens) Project
Partner: British CouncilFunding: The British Embassy in UkraineExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras TymchukPeriod: January - May 2023
An independent assessment of the level of organisational capacity of EPAIU partners
Partner: EPAIU / International Renaissance Foundation
Funding: Embassy of Sweden
Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk
Period: September 2022 - January 2023
Assessment of Audio Podcast Measures in Ukraine as part of the Initiative for Transparency and Freedom of Expression
Partner: Deutsche Welle
Funding: BMZ
Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk, Nataliia Harasivka, Yaroslava Kobynets, Evgen Klimuk
Period: December 2022 - March 2023
Context Analysis
Needs assessment in Lviv Oblast (Ukraine)
Partner: Volkshilfe
Funding: Volkshilfe
Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk
Period: April - June 2022
Capacity Development & Training
Capacity Development Measures Conduction for National Qualifications Agency
Partner: GIZ
Funding: EU, Germany, Finland, Poland, EstoniaExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk, Petro Koshukov, Yaroslava Kobynets, Kateryna Poliakova, Andrii Strekhaliuk
Period: August 2021 - November 2022
Project evaluation of the Active Citizens Program (2020-2022)
Partner: British Council
Funding: The British Embassy in Ukraine
Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk
Period: January - June 2022
Large Group Facilitation
Design and facilitation of an online workshop on strengthening the civic education system in Ukraine
Partner: ENGAGE
Funding: USAID
Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk
Period: August - September 2022
External final evaluation of the Building Capacity for Civilian Protection in Eastern Ukraine
Partner: Representative office of Center for civilians in conflict (CIVIC)Funding: EUExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva,
Taras Tymchuk, Petro KoshukovPeriod: February - March 2021
Large Group Facilitation
Facilitation of the Open Space "How to make cooperation between government institutions and the general public in the decision-making process more effective?" as a part of the II National Forum of Government Professionals in Public Consultations
Partner: OSCE / Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers (Ukraine)Funding: OSCEExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk,Period: September 2018
Large Group Facilitation
Analysis of NQA’s organisational development
Partner: GIZFunding: EU, Germany, Finland, Poland, EstoniaExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra Tselishcheva, Taras Tymchuk,Period: August 2020 - October 2020
Capacity Development & Training
Mentorship support for participation processes in Dnipro and Kharkiv regions for Strengthening Ukrainian municipalities hosting IDPs Initiatives of the Infrastructure Programme for Ukraine Project
Partner: GIZ / Initiatives of the Infrastructure Programme for UkraineFunding: BMZExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras TymchukPeriod: August 2020 - October 2020
Large Group Facilitation
Design and conduction of the participatory event in GIZ partner institution in Dnipro city and Petropavlivka town
Partner: GIZ / Initiatives of the Infrastructure Programme for UkraineFunding: BMZExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras TymchukPeriod: January 2019 - May 2019
Capacity Development & Training
Training Skills Development Programme for The National Anti-Corruption Bureau Of Ukraine
Partner: NABU Funding: US EmbassyExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Oleksandra TselishchevaPeriod: January 2018 - May 2018
Capacity Development & Training
Training program on participation and facilitation skills development
Partner: GIZ / Initiatives of the Infrastructure Programme for UkraineFunding: BMZExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras TymchukPeriod: September- December 2018
Capacity Development & Training
Organisation and conducting of integration and training events to develop the capacity of IDPs and local communities - USIF partners
Partner: USIF Funding: KFWExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras TymchukPeriod: August 2017 - May 2018
Large Group Facilitation
Strategic Planning Session for Civil Society in Belarus (Vilnius)
Partner: BRAMA (Pact)Funding: USAIDExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk, Oleksandra TselishchevaPeriod: August - September 2019
Context Analysis
Ukraine Context Analysis for IM Strategic Planning
Partner: IM Swedish Development Partner (Moldova)Funding: IM Swedish Development Partner (Moldova)Experts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk, Oleksandra TselishchevaPeriod: November 2017 - February 2018
PARTICIPATION THAT FAILS: How do you ensure actual, not fake, community involvement? Open Space as part of the 86th Film and Urbanism Festival (Slavutych)
Partner: ENGAGEFunding: USAIDExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk, Oleksandra TselishchevaPeriod: June - August 2017
Monitoring of Local Initiatives Implemented by Local counsellors - participants of Council of Europe Project Promoting local democracy in Ukraine
Partner: Council of EuropeFunding: Council of EuropeExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk, Oleksandra TselishchevaPeriod: April - October 2017
Large Group Facilitation
Strategic Planning Session for Urban Activists Community
Partner: CEDOSFunding: Heinrich-Böll-StiftungExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk,Period: July - August 2017
Follow-up of initiatives aimed at enhancing local democracy within the project “Promoting local democracy in Ukraine
Partner: Council of EuropeFunding: Council of EuropeExperts: Maryana Zaviyska, Taras Tymchuk, Oleksandra TselishchevaPeriod: November 2016 - January 2017